Hi All,
Here is the current schedule for the summer. The goals are to get Jet to the Fair Hill ** in October, to get Monte to a * in Ocala in November, to play around with my new young horse Jasper, and to do some fun stuff along the way. I have a few "Ashley" races scheduled as well as working on my USDF Bronze Medal. By September I should also be certified by the USEF as a level II instructor (preliminary level) in their ICP program. If you are local for any of this, come and watch or come and compete!
May 31st: Bucks County Horse Park Dressage (PA), Jet 1st and 2nd level
June 3rd and 4th: Lucinda Green Clinic at Fair Hill (MD), Monte
June 6th: Plantation Field Horse Trials (PA), Monte novice
June 9th: Ashley coaching at BCHP Tuesday Evening Dressage
June 13th: Seneca Valley Horse Trials (VA), Jet intermediate, Monte training level
June 24th: Ashley 5K Tex Mex run to benefit the Wissahickon Valley Watershed
June 27th: Surefire Horse Trials (VA), Jet intermediate, Monte training level
June 29th and 30th: Ashley participating in the USEA Instructor's Certification Program jumping workshop (MA)
July 5th: Fair Hill Starter Trials (MD), Russian GoGo, a.k.a. Jasper at his first event
July 18th and 19th: Maryland Horse Trials (MD), Jet intermediate, Monte training level
July 28th to 30th: Ashley participating in the USEA Instructor's Certification Program dressage workshop (CA)
August 2nd: Ashley's 2nd annual attempt at the SheRox tri in Philly?
August 8th and 9th: Fair Hill International Horse Trials (MD), Monte preliminary
August 21st to the 23rd: Richland Park Horse Trials (MI), Jet CIC**, Monte preliminary
September 3rd: Ashley's ICP assessment
Check back later in the summer for more updates!