Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spring Trip to Valley Forge National Park

Valley Forge National Park is about a twenty minute trailer ride from Ardfuar Farm here in Pennsylvania.  For the past ten years I have used it weekly to condition the event horses and for pleasure hacks.  It is a beautiful park.  Yesterday, Gina, Mr. Wetherill and I went for a ride there on a perfect Spring day.

Featured horses are Cody, Eddie, and Monte. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ashley's Show Schedule for the Summer

Hi All,

Here is the current schedule for the summer.  The goals are to get Jet to the Fair Hill ** in October, to get Monte to a * in Ocala in November, to play around with my new young horse Jasper, and to do some fun stuff along the way.  I have a few "Ashley" races scheduled as well as working on my USDF Bronze Medal.  By September I should also be certified by the USEF as a level II instructor (preliminary level) in their ICP program.  If you are local for any of this, come and watch or come and compete!

May 31st:  Bucks County Horse Park Dressage (PA), Jet 1st and 2nd level

June 3rd and 4th:  Lucinda Green Clinic at Fair Hill (MD), Monte 

June 6th:  Plantation Field Horse Trials (PA), Monte novice

June 9th:  Ashley coaching at BCHP Tuesday Evening Dressage

June 13th:  Seneca Valley Horse Trials (VA), Jet intermediate, Monte training level

June 24th:  Ashley 5K Tex Mex run to benefit the Wissahickon Valley Watershed

June 27th:  Surefire Horse Trials (VA), Jet intermediate, Monte training level

June 29th and 30th:  Ashley participating in the USEA Instructor's Certification Program jumping workshop (MA)

July 5th:  Fair Hill Starter Trials (MD), Russian GoGo, a.k.a. Jasper at his first event

July 18th and 19th:  Maryland Horse Trials (MD), Jet intermediate, Monte training level

July 28th to 30th:  Ashley participating in the USEA Instructor's Certification Program dressage workshop (CA)

August 2nd:  Ashley's 2nd annual attempt at the SheRox tri in Philly?

August 8th and 9th:  Fair Hill International Horse Trials (MD), Monte preliminary

August 21st to the 23rd:  Richland Park Horse Trials (MI), Jet CIC**, Monte preliminary

September 3rd:  Ashley's ICP assessment

Check back later in the summer for more updates!


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fair Hill Weekend

Jet moved up to intermediate this weekend at the Fair Hill Horse Trials in Elkton, MD and Monte continued gaining mileage at novice.  

On Saturday Jet's division ran.  He had a very mediocre dressage followed by a very mediocre show jumping.  His nerves were getting the best of him and when that happens he tightens his back and goes badly.  I was a bit discouraged with him and with myself for not being able to ride him through it.  He made up for it on cross country, though.  He jumped around beautifully over the straightforward jumps on the course and was a little bit surprised by the more difficult combinations that you find at intermediate, but was still honest and jumped right through them.  I felt it was an educational run for him.  He will run next at Plantation Field in early June and we will aim for a CCI** in the fall. 

Today Monte went at novice level.  With a steady test he was in the ribbons after dressage.  After show jumping I was jumping for joy.  He jumped clean and he was actually clever with his feet!  Monte has so much power but it is taking him awhile to get it all coordinated.  This was his first clean show jumping round in competition.  On cross country I gave him a 50%/50% chance of jumping clean, and the bad 50% won.  He stopped dead in front of two jumps and spun away, both because they were funny looking jumps.  One was a bench and the other was a log on top of a hill with no sight of the landing.  In both cases he jumped the second time, once he got a look at them.  On the rest of the course he seemed to be having fun.  This winter I tried to move him up to training level when he wasn't quite ready and I am paying for it now by having to spend more time building his confidence and showing him different types of jumps.  It looks like he will do another novice at Plantation Field and then perhaps we will look for a training level. 

In other news, my student Holley Russell won her division of Elementary at the Bucks County Horse Park today.  Congratulations Holley!  We are also all getting geared up for the Bucks County Horse Park schooling shows this summer as well as other schooling horse trials.  Please join us!


Friday, May 8, 2009

Back to Pennsylvania

I am back in PA and all it has done this week is RAIN!!  Was that the sun I saw today?  It looks so foreign.  

Next weekend Jet does his first intermediate at Fair Hill and Monte does his last novice before the big move up to training level.  Doc is annoyed at the bugs, but actually enjoying being on vacation.  The winter was intense.