Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Some Pictures From Florida

Photo One: This week I am hosting a Level III/IV Instructors' Certification Program workshop at my parents' farm and the Florida Horse Park. This workshop is run through the USEA and focuses on teaching intermediate and advanced level riders. In this picture Karen O'Connor, our mentor for the week, is demonstrating the teaching of a dressage lesson at my parents' farm, which is across the street from our farm!

Photos Two and Three: We were subject to some pretty cold weather just after the holidays. My student Holley Russell arrived in Ocala on January 2nd from Pennsylvania and I teased her that she brought the cold air with her! At the Ocala I horse trials they were scraping ice off of the water jump and the temperatures during the day were only in the 30's. Brrr!

Photo Four: On New Year's Eve we attended a surprise 60th birthday party for Bruce Davidson. Here is a picture of his custom birthday cake with a picture of him jumping his favorite mare Jam over a ditch and brush.