Monday, November 10, 2008

Getting Jet ready for the CCI*

Yesterday Jet did his final gallop to prepare for the CCI* next weekend.  Today he was very spoiled and had an hour and a half massage from Ellen Bachmeyer who is the massage therapist I use down here.  She is excellent and loves to get a sense of each horse individually.  I met Ellen several years ago when I needed some help with Aly Cat and last year she helped me a lot with Doc.  She could see right away how honest Jet is, but could also see that he is still in race horse mode in his mind.  He has not quite settled yet into thinking of himself as an event horse, so he is in transition.  He is also still holding a lot in his body from his racing days, so getting regular muscle work over the next year is going to be critical in helping him to become stronger in his dressage work.  The plan for him this week is to do one jump school but to mainly focus on preparing for our dressage test.  He will also get another massage from Ellen when he is at the competition next weekend.

Doc is on the mend.  Dr. Poulin at Mid Atlantic ran infection numbers on his knee on Friday and Saturday and they dropped both days.  It looks like he will not need to go under anesthesia again, which is wonderful, and that he will be able to come home towards the end of this week.  Gina and Mr. Wetherill went to visit him on Saturday and they took him some apples.  He hasn't been able to be turned out during any of this and I am sure he has dropped a lot of weight.  Grass is the best thing to keep his stomach happy and his belly plump!

We ship over to the Ocala Horse Park on Thursday with Jet and the competition begins on Friday.  I'll keep you posted!


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