Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cross Country Day

Jet jumped so well today on cross country!  I had a ball on him.  He is ready to move up to intermediate.  He was brave and was looking for what was next.  We are now 18th out of 42.  Tomorrow is show jumping, and Doc's final gallop before we leave for Kentucky on Monday.

Brian came out to help today, as did my mom and friends Jutta and Laurie.  It is great to have a support team!  We had a momentary laugh, though.  Laurie used to event and once we were in the ten minute box with Jet's tack off I asked her to walk him.  I was chatting to Jutta and when I looked up a minute later, Laurie was GONE!  At FEI shows, they are very particular about the rules, and one rule is that the horse can't leave the ten minute box after cross country until they are checked out by a vet.  We waited a few minutes . . . still no Laurie.  I began to wonder if she had walked him back to the barn!  Finally we spotted her WAY across the field towards the barns ambling around.  We got her back into the box eventually and got a vet to come check Jet out.  The vet said, "Boy, we must have lost track of you with all of the other horses walking around!"  I just nodded my head and agreed!  

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